Thursday, 26 September 2013

Why So Serious?!

Ok, now that I've started uni and I'm in the swing of things I need to get a few things off my chest. Uni is nothing I thought it would be! I had so many expectations (perhaps a little unrealistic) that have just been crushed! I have no one to talk to in lectures because a lot of them can be very anti-social and what's really annoying is the seating!!!! Almost everyone sits on the outside seat of the rows (what's up with that?), making it impossible for you to get a seat. The only time you can make friends is at night when everyone is drunk and frankly 'ain't nobody got time for that!' I'm dreading my law seminar next week :( somebody helpppp! *sigh* I've got it off my chest now, lol it probably doesn't even make that much sense but that's how I'm feeling and I wanted to share it. Wish me luck!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

University So Far...

So I was finally able to get connected to the internet after starting uni on the 14th September. Moving in was such a scary thing for me and watching my family leave just made me want to cry after but I've settled down now and I already miss home :( The first two days of freshers week was so good though. I went out with a few flatmates on the day that I moved in and on the Sunday, we went to welcome tent party hosted by the uni which was really good (boy, some crazy things happened in those two days).However, there some down sides to living on campus like the amount of insects I find in my room/flat on a daily basis, the lack of money and the lack of food but I guess this is what I signed up for so I'm only going to have to get used to it. Anyway, I'm going to watch some Pretty Little Liars, then I'm off to bed because I have 3 lectures tomorrow, the first starting at 9am. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Music Video Porn

Ok, so I need to get something off my chest. It seems that since Robin Thicke released his ‘controversial’ “Blurred Lines” video, almost every artist is trying to do the same damn thing! They’re all trying to see who can come up with the raunchiest, most shocking music video and honestly its become boring and quite annoying- we’ve seen it all already! And they all end up getting banned from YouTube anyway because its basically PORN! I mean just today I saw Miley Cyrus's Video for Wrecking Ball in which she unnecessarily licks a hammer and appears naked, I really like the song as well but then she went to go and ruin it with a video that doesn't even correlate with the song. Anyway, I'm done ranting for the day and  I know I'm not the only one who thinks this!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Pay Day, Yaaaay!

Haha, so today is pay day and I haven't stopped ordering things online since I woke up at 9am (this is kinda bad) but the reason I haven't let my fingers rest on my laptop is partly because of uni. Pshhh who am I kidding?!?! loool I would have done the same if I wasn't going to uni. So I guess on top of being obsessed with make-up (i'm not even going to say how much I spent on that, just know it was a lotttt... and I'm not even finished!), I'm now a shopaholic as well :D
Whooop! Bring on uni, just 1 week left to go. Now it's time to give myself a break and relax with some movies and Ben & Jerry's 'Peanut Butter Me Up' ;)

Thursday, 5 September 2013

iTunes Festival 2013 (Paramore) Sept. 4th

The Best Concert Everrr!
Arghhhhhhh! I just got back from watching Paramore at the #iTunesFestival with my wonderful friend and they were frickin AMAZING! I've been listening to Paramore for about 5 years now and seeing them in concert just made me love them even more! The atmoshere was just electric and everyone I came across was so nice. Everyone was so into the concert that we didn't even care that we were sweating like mad, our feet were aching and most of our voices got lost, the hits just kept on coming. I don't think I can ever forget this night, it has just made me so happy and even though my body is paying for it now, what a great way is it for me to make memories for starting uni soon and plus... it was completely FREE!!! Thank God for iTunes and to all the Paramore fans reading this whether you were at the concert, watching it live at home or didn't watch it at all, as Haley said 'WE ARE PARAMORE!!!!!!' (You can watch it online or watch it on tv so look out for it)

Before The Show Excitement 
Opening Act: Fenech-Soler
The Ending of The Concert (Last Song- 'Still Into You')

Whooop, Confetti Party!